Alameda High School, Class of 79!

Connect with your classmates and reminisce about the good old days.

Stay updated on upcoming reunions, news about alumni, and other important events.

For countless reasons, our high school friends hold a unique significance in our lives.

They provided vital support and understanding during the tumultuous years of youth, weathering challenges at home and school while fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie through their insight and empathy.

From navigating exams to experiencing first romances, obtaining a driver's license, and countless other milestones, the shared experiences of high school forged lasting bonds, resilience, and profound closeness, forming the foundation of lifelong friendships.

The authenticity nurtured during these formative years yielded deep, enduring connections that grew increasingly meaningful.

Beyond mere companionship, our high school friends evolved into our confidants, cheerleaders, and kindred spirits, playing an integral role in shaping the person we are today.